First Baptist Church
113 N. Harvey Street

Explore First Baptist

We have been around awhile.  We have been serving the Washington community for more than 150 years.  We consider that one of our strengths.  We know this community, and the community knows us.  We strive hard to remain relevant and vibrant in these changing times. 

We are theologically conservative, but not legalistic, fundamentalist, or narrow-minded.  We have experienced the touch of God's grace in our lives, and want others to experience it as well.

We are an active congregation.  We seek to involve all age groups in learning, growing, and using their spiritual gifts for service and ministry.

You will find us to be a mix of young and old, new comers and old timers. Our commitment is to serve Christ, and to make Him known in our community and around the world.  If you are searching for a place to connect, somewhere to grow and serve, then we invite you to join us on mission. Come check us out!

Our Mission Statement:

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being"  Revelation 4:11.

Traditional Worship Service Sundays at 11:00 AM with hymns, liturgy, choir, and a biblically based sermon.

Blended Worship Service Sundays at 8:30 AM with a blend of contemporary songs, hymns, a praise team, and a biblically based sermon.

Wednesday Fellowship Meal each week beginning at 5:15 PM.  The meal is served between 5:15 and 6:00 PM.  Cost is $5.00 per individual, $3.00 for children, and a family pays no more than $15.00.   The meal is followed by activities for children, youth, and adults.

Psalm 1 declares that the wise person "delights in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by steams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. " 

Bible Classes for all ages groups Sunday Mornings at 9:45 AM.  Each class studies an age appropriate curriculum in an attempt to apply biblical principals to daily life. Classes for couples, singles, children, youth, and adults.  Classes are designed so that one can enter at any time. 

Discipleship Classes such as Beth Moore studies, Experiencing God, Parenting Skills, Bible Study Skills.  This classes are designed to help you grow in your faith and apply it to daily life and situations.  New classes are typically offered in the Fall and Spring.  Classes vary in length, some are designed for a six week study, others eight or twelve.  Typically discipleship classes are held on Sunday evenings. 

Choirs offer you an opportunity to express your musical gifts.  We have choirs for all age groups, including handbells. The Sanctuary Choir rehearses each Wednesday at 7:00pm. See calendar for appropriate times.

Mission Education is offered for all age groups. Children and Youth groups meet on  Wednesday evenings.  Adult groups meet at various times.

Jesus said:  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).  We take Jesus words seriously. 'In light of what Jesus said, we encourage believers to use their gifts in ministry; locally, nationally, and internationally.

Locally--volunteer with schools, hospital, nursing homes, food pantry, Habitat, and other local agencies.  Be a part of a prayer walking team, evangelistic outreach team, prayer team, or grief ministry team.  There are countless places for you to use your spiritual gifts in the church and through the local community.

Nationally--serve with disaster relief or other mission teams serving in the continental USA.  Traditionally our youth group has served somewhere in the USA each summer through organizations like World Changers.

Internationally--serve on one of our Swaziland, Africa mission teams or other international mission teams.

About Us
KNOW  Christ
GROW in Christ
GO For Christ


We're glad you're here!






Many know about God, but it is about knowing God. It's all about relationship.
